Litchfield Hills Driving Club is a
chapter club of the Carriage Association of America,
a member of the American Driving Society
and a member of the Connecticut Horse Council
chapter club of the Carriage Association of America,
a member of the American Driving Society
and a member of the Connecticut Horse Council
The Litchfield Hills Driving Club, incorporated in 1983, promotes the proper use of horse-drawn vehicles

Monthly evening meetings are held from September to May featuring speakers or special programs. Three times a year meetings include a pot luck supper. Hospitality and socializing have always been and continue to be an important part of the club's gatherings, everyone is welcome!
From spring to fall the LHDC has a variety of recreational drives at various locations and also has an annual picnic drive. Other activities include clinics, Fun Days & other special events.
We invite all that are interested to become a member of the Litchfield Hills Driving Club, you don't need to be a driver or even own a horse to belong. Members receive a monthly newsletter and become acquainted with some of the friendliest horse people in New England. We hope you will consider joining us in promoting and participating in carriage driving while enjoying the beautiful Litchfield Hills of Connecticut.